The safety and well being of our guests is a priority. The Landings of Willow Creek Golf Course has adopted multiple practices to stay COVID-19 safe. A zero tolerance approach will be taken if these policies are not strictly followed.
Social Distancing
Everyone MUST practice Social Distancing of at least 2 meters (6 Feet) from all patrons and staff members. We will also be limiting the number of people allowed in the clubhouse, enabling social distancing and increasing sanitation in public spaces through a variety of new measures.
Your Health – Our Health
If you feel any symptoms such as Cough, Headache, Fever, or Difficulty Breathing, “STAY AT HOME.” Stay at home if you have traveled within the last 14 days.
During this time, there will be touch-less payment options available. Customers are also welcome to pre-pay for their round over the phone.
On Course
- The on course experience will be as close to “normal” as possible.
- Only a single rider will be permitted in a power cart (unless you are from the same household, government ID required).
- We will be increasing spacing within tee times.
- Removing bunker rakes and ball washing stations on the course.
- Flag poles will be left in at all times, cups will be raised to eliminate touch points. Leave the pin in while putting.
- Practice proper coughing and sneezing etiquette.
- Do not shake hands or high five while on the course.
- We will be providing increased sanitation stations for our guests,
- Disinfecting all equipment and carts before use,
- Limiting the offering of food and beverage services.
- All staff will be educated on proper hand washing techniques.
Should you have any feedback or questions please get in touch by emailing: landingsofwillowcreekgolf@gmail.com. We thank everyone for their understanding and look forward to the 2020 golf season.